
  • 93 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Riverdale, NJ 07457

Friday, August 24, 2012

Are you getting our suggestions for great reads?

Each month we can email you highlights from our new acquisitions. You can click on the links in the email that go directly to our catalog, where you can put a request in for the title.

Through our library consortium, you can subscribe to email newsletters for Mysteries, New Fiction Bestsellers, Books on the Air, and other great categories. Each email has links to our catalog, so you can request titles. How easy is that, to find your next great read!

Sign up for the email newsletters at Bookletters

Friday, August 10, 2012

September is a Big Month for New Books

Many new books are published in September. Check out our automatic ordering list, found in our New Books section.

We have many authors we know our patrons like, and we arrange to purchase their new books automatically.

We are notified months in advance as to what books will be published by these authors.

Check the list to see what's coming, and place your requests with the circulation desk. We'll put a hold on it for you so you are at the top of the waiting list for what are sure to be popular books.